
Digital Government

Digital government has moved the public sector to entirely new ways of delivering programs, services and regulation. There is almost no area of government that has not been challenged, reimagined and ultimately, transformed by new technologies and the growth in data over the last decade.

National-scale platforms that connect, authenticate and deliver services are creating access and convenience for customers, but come loaded with complexity and challenges to adoption.

AI is emerging as the accepted successor to traditional analytics, even as community social licence, ethical risk and emerging legal frameworks create new uncertainties for decision-makers in all sectors.

Workforce is having to rapidly shift culture and mindset, embracing agile ways of working and building fluency in engagement, data literacy and collaboration as entry costs to the new economy.

Government policy, service delivery and compliance operations now rely on data, automation and joined-up workflows that may sit across government agencies, governmental tiers or even beyond the public sector – and this is intensifying year-on-year.

Trust and social licence are dynamic, with data security and privacy vying for the community’s chief source of concern and with trust in institutions continuing to erode while anxiety about continuing global shocks continues to rise.

How we can help

Getting digital government right is difficult, when even the definition of ‘right’ is contested, and when transformation in government is often without precedents. At all scales – from national platforms to targeted digital interventions, ThinkPlace can help you to navigate:

  • Digital transformations , taking a co-design approach to reshaping business models, organisations and sectors
  • Digital strategy , charting the future vision, direction and waypoints for organisations as they progress on their multi-horizon digital journey
  • Enterprise digital systems , bringing case management, CRM, analytics, identity management and knowledge management together to multiply impact and create usable, cohesive experiences
  • Service and product experiences that create useful, usable, ethical and inclusive outcomes for people – from customers to staff
  • Digitally-enhanced regulation , marrying digital and sophisticated regulatory theory to maximise voluntary compliance and enable the optimal intervention
  • Geospatial systems that combine usability and innovation to foster greater insight, analytics and engagement using the spatial lens
  • Digital implementation and adoption , ensuring that those affected by digital changes are brought on a journey that readies them for the new operational paradigm
  • Digital ethics , assessing your ethical risk and opportunity across ThinkPlace’s six digital ethics dimensions, and creating the frameworks, controls, cultures and accountabilities needed to ensure ethical use of digital and data
  • Digital societal transitions , shaping national digital policy, law and programs in a way that is conscious of societal trends, trust and social licence, sustainability and equity

Learn more about how we approach Digital Government